Thursday 24 November 2011


On tuesday all of TY went to the cinema to go see an opera called don giovanni that was recorded live in the met opera house in new york :D The opera was really good , it was about a man who had seduced hundreds of woman but dumped them a few days later :O He lead them on and the women thought he loved them but he fled when it got to serious :L The women were left broken hearted :L Don gGovanni killed one of his lovers fathers and he went on the run so no one would find out :O But all thw women and men found out that he was the killer so they set out to kill him :O But then a man in blue haunted don giovanni and he took him to hell :O so all the women got their revenge on him :) It was a reallyyyy long opera thouugh :L Alot of people fell asleep :L Because it was the cinema we got to get popcorn and sweets :D The us up though was the best part because niamh brought her docking station and we blared out the music and we all just went on a massive rave :D It was sooooo much fun :D defonitley one of the best trips ive been on so far :)

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