Tuesday, 1 May 2012

work , work work... :/

Well our TY year is coming to a close and now we have plenty of projects to finish before the end of the year so we can get used to 5th year :(

In maths were doing a project on whatever we want to do as long as its mathematical :) Me and Ellen are doing how texting at night can effect your mathematical ability in school :O Its really interesting to us because obviously young people text all the time so if it effects how we think in school were gonig to have to cut down :O We did surveys and a maths test to 20 people so now we just have to compare our results :)

In English we read the book The Hunger Games and now were in groups of 3 and we have to take a scene from the book and have 2 actors and 1 director act it out :D its sooo much fun i love drama :D

In Irish we have been doing alot of grammer and we have an oral irish exam on friday :/ its our first time and im really nervous :O but im sure ill be fine ;) we have to talk for 6 minutes :O

In science we are preparing to go to scifest on wednesday :D Im a bit nervous but i think it will be alot of fun aswel :D

In geography we are doing a project on something we like but its with a  geographical side to it :) im doing music in difgerent countries and their main genres :)

In history were doing a big project on a person or place we want to do and im thinking of doing Jane Austen :) I picked her because i love her books and the movies are fantastic :) Im going to write about her books and talk about how she became an author and what her inspirations were :)

In creative writing were doing a new essay called a tribute essay and your writing a tribute to a person or thing that you love :)

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